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Your patch test is the most important part of your treatment as this is going to help show if you could be allergic to the products used in the treatment. 

I'm unable to carry out any treatments if a patch test has not been completed. This is because I work to very high standards and will always put my clients safety before anything else. I'm unable to offer waiver forms or make any exceptions. 

The following treatments all reqauire a patch test... 

- HD BROWS (hd brow tint will cover you for an eyebrow tint & lash tint)



These all use different products and each treatment require their own separate patch test. 

It can take a full 48 hours for a allergic reaction to show up, so the patch test must be a minimum of 48 hours before your treatment. 

The above treatments that require a patch test can not be carried out on clients who are pregnant or breast feeding (waxing and eyebrow waxing however is absolutely fine) and patch tests can not be done during pregnancy. After pregnancy a new patch test must be repeated to check for new sensitivity as the body and hormones will have changed so much.

Patch tests must also be repeated where there has been more than a 6 month lapse since your last treatment. This means if you haven't had a treatment with me for over 6 months you will need a new patch test. We can become allergic to anything at any time and it is possible to suddenly be allergic to a product that you was once fine with one year ago. I know that it can be difficult and a bit of a annoyance to keep attending patch test appointments, but I have seen sudden allergies before and I wont take the risk on you.

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